Madame Hessel in the studio of Vuillard
Madame Lucy Hessel
Madame Hessel dans sa chambre des Clayes
Madame Hessel in front of a glassed armoire
Madame Hessel in the boudoir, Rue de Naples
Madame Hessel en robe rouge lisant
Jos and Lucy Hessel in the small salon, Rue de Rivoli, 1905
Woman reading, 1910
Madame Vuillard reading in the dining room, 1903
The reader
Annette Soup
Revue, 1901
Arthur Fontaine reading in his salon, 1904
In the office
Interior with woman reading, 1912
Woman reading in the garden, 1898
Madame André Wormser and children, 1926
Madame Vuillard reading
Madame Vuillard reading a newspaper
Woman reading, 1909
Grandmother Michaud seen against the light, 1890
Femmes sous la lamp
Reading newspaper
Portrait of Lugne Poe
Édouard Vuillardborn November 11, 1868 in Cuiseaux, France
died June 21, 1940 (71) in La Baule, France
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